Rumors about the lost city of Atlantis have surfaced. It’s time to go on an a search. You will encounter strange and beautiful places on your journey. Brush up your skills to complete the latest new achievements
If you decide to take a lot of money on your search, you should pay a visit to the tannery in Deniran. The owner will help you with keeping it safe.
A note from the development team
Although it has only been six weeks since the last release, this one is full of new content: New zones in the Deniran region and the region of Atlantis. Fourteen new achievements. Twenty-four new creatures. Eight new items and a complete new armor set. Two new quests and two new NPCs.
The webclient saw major improvements aswell. For example it supports long touch to open the context menu. It requires more work until it will reach feature parity with the classic client. But this release is a huge step forward.
And most important: Have fun! If you like, join us in the development chat.
See the complete change log for this release.