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  • 2006-03-24 00:01:54

    This release fix LOTS of bugs that we have recieve from and add some new interesting features like doors and keys, add two new big game areas: Wofol, the kobold's city that is suitable for team play of players around level 10-20 and N'mon, the lich fortress under the Orril castle, that is only for the most brave players.

    Another feature that has been requested and has been added is a storage to safely place items: you can have a look to it at bank.

    After this version we will work now on fixing minor details and improving GUI, so that we can finally introduce a new RP system and reach 0.50.
    We still need your help to add content to world as items, creatures, quests, maps, bugs, suggestions or simply as a hardcore player. Please write us if you are interested in helping.

    NOTE: Create account has been broken. If you have had problems, please create a new account now. We have done a server side only release that fixs the bug, just in case you are interested in running your own server: Server side only 0.47

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